Mary Korsu, Co-Chair of the Thank A Soldier Program, presented a monetary note of thanks to Sgt. Jacob Ready of Southbury. Sgt. Ready joined the USMC on December 7,2015, the anniversary of Pearl Harbor. He went to bootcamp at MCRD in Parris Island, South Carolina, and shortly after was assigned to Camp Lejeune in North Carolina reporting to Infantry Training Battalion.

Upon graduation he was assigned to Charlie Company 1st BN, 7th Marines, which is more notoriously known as Suicide Charley. Among his many achievements, he was awarded medals for the Global War on Terrorism and the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary. He also earned the Afghanistan Campaign Medal with Campaign Star, Army Combat Infantry Badge, Navy & Marine Corps Achievement Medal and Advanced Infantry Course Honor Graduate, Gung-Ho, and Instructor’s Choice.
The Thank A Soldier Program was started over 10 years ago. All donations are collected through the generosity of businesses and residents for the sole purpose of granting awards to local service men and women.
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