June 1 – 2018 Las Vegas Reunion Weekly Talk and updates:

By Robert La Fleur


Well hard chargers we have hit the June 1st deadline and Marines & Sailors are signing up like crazy. This is great news!!! Due to the commitment and the excitement of making this reunion the committee has extended the deadline to Friday June 8th. That is the drop-dead deadline!!!

The polos will need to be ordered, the deposit for the banquet room & food for the Orleans will need to be paid and the Leather Neck Bar will need their deposit. So, if you’re going to join us at the reunion get that Paypal payment in, Paypal is now the only way to pay for your attendance to the reunion. Thank you to all that are making it to this reunion, to the others hope to see you at the next reunion.

As it sits unofficially it is a dead heat between the 85 to 90 and 93 to 98 eras. Great job recruiting Marines and Sailors of those eras. All other eras we will have to do better for the next reunion.

S/F Robert La Fleur

Suicide Charley Marines Dress Blues